September 21, 2021 for students of the primary school in Wierzchów im. The 2nd Warsaw Infantry Division of Jan Henryk Dąbrowski organized an action aimed at encouraging young people to take care and be responsible for our planet.
The children had the opportunity to test the water in Lake Busko under the care of Bartłomiej Matysiak, the manager
for quality and environmental protection Agri Plus. Children divided into several smaller groups checked the temperature of the water, its oxygenation, acidity and turbidity. Students and teachers were very interested in the research being performed.
Then the students went to the Arkoński Forest, where they got involved in cleaning the world.
At the end of the meeting with young people, a small picnic with baked sausages and chocolate was held.
The involvement of students in actions aimed at increasing ecological awareness proves that the future of our planet is in good hands!