Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is a unique event, which year after year, unites millions of Poles in helping those in need. As Animex Holding we proudly engage in this beautiful initiative, showing that supporting local communities and engaging in charitable activities are important values of our company.
We supported this year’s final of WOŚP in many locations, by donating both our products and gadgets, which enriched charity auctions and made the time of participants and volunteers more pleasant.
Here’s what our support looked like in individual places:
- Korsze – we provided sausages which were shared among the volunteers and participants of the event.
- Czechy – here our company also provided sausages which were served during the final.
- Czaplinek – we prepared sets of gadgets and basket with products of our brands for the auction, to support collection of funds.
- Kurzętnik – we provided sets of gadgets for auctions.
- Marchy near Warsaw– Animex provided 200 gadgets for the volunteers and our customer representative was engaged in the local final and coordinated it on site.
- Warsaw – we supported the team auctioning at 77th Elementary School organized by a journalist of „Rzeczpospolita” by providing them with gadgets and basket with products of our brands.
Thanks to our employees and their commitment we are part of this amazing initiative that brings people together to help others. Animex Holding has been supporting local communities for years and joint activities for WOŚP are proof that together we can achieve more.
We play together until the end of the world and one day longer!