Agri Plus Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Poznań, started operating in July 2000, developing raw material facilities (pig farming) for Animex meat plants. Within the same structure, there is also Agri Plus Wielkopolska S.A., established in 1993 under the name Animex Wielkopolska S.A. The companies listed above have their own farms, but over 95% of weaner and finisher pig farming is carried out under the cooperation with almost 1 000 individual growers.
Agri Plus Sp. z o. o. is part of Smithfield Foods, which since September 2013 together with WH Group, forms a company that is the largest pork producer in the world.
Agri Plus is a leading producer of pigs in Poland. Activity of the company includes crop and feed production integrated with the pig department. The aim of Agri Plus is to obtain the highest quality live pigs while maintaining care for the natural environment. Our priority is harmonious cooperation with family farms, whose farming operations are a very important part of our business. Agri Plus conducts full pig farming activity based on herds of sows, a boar station, piglet rearing facilities and finishing houses across almost entire Poland.
At all stages of our production, we rely on Polish breeders. For many years, we have been cooperating under contracts with individual farms, cooperatives, as well as groups of producers whose farms are located in Poland. Our goal is to create a large group of satisfied contractors who, thanks to the constant improvement of results, increase the income of their farms. As part of reciprocal agreements, we help growers to improve the conditions in their facilities. At the same time, we care about obtaining the highest quality products. Our business is based on the highest standards of animal welfare and environmental protection, we rely on the concept of sustainable development.
Agri Plus develops pig farming in Poland, also based on its own Farmer Finishing model. This is the first safe and stable cooperation offer of this type for Polish growers. Agri Plus Farmer Finishing assumes support for growers in their agricultural activity, consisting in rearing weaners or finishers aimed at obtaining the best production results. In this model, the grower independently purchases piglets or weaners, as well as the highest quality complete feed, and then grows animals on their farm. Farming is carried out by the grower on their own behalf, with the active support of Agri Plus consisting in providing the possibility to use the assistance of a group of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and zootechnics.
The grower is independent of the situation on the market, prices of feed and livestock, and can improve their profits from animal production by using grains from own cultivation for feeding, buying only concentrates.
Agri Plus is also the owner of six feed mills located in different parts of the country, where the purchase of grains and the production of feed takes place.