

WE are opening the Agri Plus biogas plant in Krąplewice

On October 20, 2023, the official opening of the Agri Plus Biogas Plant took place in Krąplewice. This unique event was attended by representatives of local authorities, the company’s management board and employees, as well as representatives of the industry…

Water monitoring with Us

On September 12th, 2023, once again, we had a pleasure to invite the pupils from Janusz Korczak’s Elementary School in Krąplewiceto a joint water monitoring activity of a nearby water reservoir. The younger pupils involved in the eco-friendly activity, dedicated…

WE support Agro Games 2023

WE support Agro Games 2023 Agro Games 2023 is a scientific competition organized by WULS-SGGW, aimed primarily at meeting student representatives from all over Poland. During the competition, we can meet the best team among the participating universities and the…

Smithfield Polska “Business ethics leader”

Smithfield Polska, Animex Foods and Agri Plus received the title of “Business ethics leader”under the competition “Sustainable Economy Diamonds”. The award was granted by a broad competition jury formed by the leaders of business, science and economy. The “Sustainable Economy…